The beginning of the new year calls for some reflection by me on the past year, and looking at what I would like to try with glass in the new year.

The challenge is always keeping the stores stocked with my art glass they routinely order, while feeding my creative spirit to try new things. So, my theme for this year will be, “New Beginnings”.

I’ve started this new year by writing on a whiteboard in my studio all the new things with glass I’d like to try. Just looking at the list of possibilities is very, very motivating and exciting. Always something new to learn and try.

I’ve already given one idea a try. The photo with this blog is of a piece I created with “scrap glass”. When cutting glass there are lots and lots of scrap pieces left. I’ve organized them by color in plastic tubs designed to hold shoes. Yes, lots of tubs – lots of glass. One of my “new beginnings” this year is to begin to use this scrap glass to create new designs in glass. I love this combination of amber scrap glass with some patterned “confetti” glass shown in the photo. Now to determine how I will use it in a finished piece of art glass. Aren’t new beginnings wonderful!